Tuesday, May 7, 2013

An embarrassing story

Yesterday was Riker's birthday and I can't resist talking about him. And especially can't resist telling something embarrassing.

When we were dating we would go on drives a lot to go hiking or to lakes or anywhere that wasn't the city to keep our sanity. One night it was rather late and of course I was riding in the middle seat of his pick-up right next to him. We were dating so I'm sure you can assume that we were kissing and giggling and being in love. This is what happened:

Me: Riker (giggle) stop! Pay attention the road!

Riker: (Also giggling but in a manly way of course) What? I just love you! And I'm good at driving and I'm going under the speed limit. C'mon! Let me kiss you!

Me: (giggle giggle giggle) Ok, fine!

Suddenly...yep, red and blue flashing lights.

Me: Oh my gosh! I told you to watch the road!

The officer then slowly approached the truck.

Officer: Excuse me, son, do you know why I pulled you over? (simultaneously blinding us with his flashlight)

Riker: Uh, well....Was I weaving a little?

Officer: Yeah...kind of all over. I will need your license and registration.

Riker: Chels, can you get it out of the glove box?

Me: Sure (as I open the glove box a big fat hunting knife awkwardly falls out and I masterfully hide it under some papers)

Meanwhile, Riker is showing him his license and we are both pretty convinced that the only reason he didn't ask Riker to get out and take a sobriety test (we were both still giggling in love...) was because we are in Utah and he saw Riker's temple recommend that he so conveniently flashed to the officer.

We got off with a verbal warning but I still like to mention it. A lot. And now everyone else who knows him can also mention it. ;)

The whole reason behind this story is because I found this song today and laughed the whole time. Enjoy!

Hopefully it worked! (if not, it's Easton Corbin singing All Over the Road) And it is really just for the lyrics.

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