A lot of people have this page and then have it link back to here. I wanted to share my testimony, though.
As I write this I am thinking of several things. I'm thinking about the recent decisions made on marriage, my own personal opinions of these things, the government, missionaries, and the way my heart beats in tune with these values.
I have a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I served a mission for the church and it changed my life. Not a day passes that I don't think about it. I feel my Savior's love with such intensity that it overwhelms me at times. These 13 Articles of Faith outline our beliefs. I want to express how I personally feel, though.
I believe that marriage is an institution between one man, one woman, and God. I agree that all should be granted the rights our forefathers fought so hard for, but I disagree with changing "marriage" to include anyone other than one man and one woman. To some it may be just a word but it is more than that to me. It is a sacred covenant I have made with my husband and with my Heavenly Father. I support allowing others to have the same government rights as I do but under a different name. To me, marriage will always be between one man, one woman, and God.
I believe in working hard for all that you have. I believe in paying my tithing. (In the Church it means you give 10% of your income). I believe in the causes the Church then uses my 10% to support. I love and support the Prophet and apostles wholeheartedly. I believe that the Church honors and supports me as a woman in every way. I relish in the love and support I feel from family and friends.
I bear witness of Jesus Christ and will gladly publicly declare that He is my Savior. He suffered and died on the cross for me. Three days later he was resurrected and I too will be resurrected when the time comes. I will then be judged according to my works on this earth and will be (hopefully) privileged to live with my family and Heavenly Father again. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet who translated the Book of Mormon and that it was written for us in this day and age. When read with the Old and New Testaments and the Pearl of Great Price and Doctrine & Covenants, we will receive direction and understanding in this life.
I believe that I have been sealed for time and all eternity with my family and the generations to come. I receive great joy and peace through this knowledge and invite all to learn more about it. Nothing in this life brings me greater comfort.
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