Yesterday, my lovely husband and I (who from now on I'm referring to as "Cowboy." More on that later) watched The Avengers last night. And Cowboy thought that Thor's accent while saying, "He's not slowing down!" was hilarious and keeps repeating it. I have to admit it makes me laugh when he does it. And swoon when Chris Hemsworth does it.
I mean...HELLO. Look at this man! He's gorgeous. (Of course so is my husband!!)

And our life isn't slowing down either! We have been so busy. Cowboy has been out hunting and working and I've been...well I've been dealing with a nasty case of bronchitis for the past couple of weeks so I have been a bit absent. So rather than what happened in MY life (coughing. A lot) I'll tell you a little about my sweet husband. He's a darling cowboy. He really is. Thus the nickname. His real name is Riker. (Ok, so I didn't plan on actually sharing that with the whole world but...he's just too cute not to share.)
SEE! He's so gorgeous! Mmmm I just love him. Look at those arms! And his eyes! and lips and and ok. I'll stop.
Maybe now you understand my love obsession? I'll take this Cowboy over Thor any day. Although throughout the whole movie Cowboy wanted every "toy" that any of the super heroes had. Looks like I may be getting my own Thor if I can find him a cool hammer....
Anyway, back to how wonderful he is. He has been working non-stop as well as coming home and making dinner and helping me pick up the house a little. I'm feeling a lot better now but every time I saw his cute tush making dinner I just fell in love all over again. And considering that today we have have been married for ONE WHOLE MONTH, I wanted to say how much I love him and how wonderful he is. He is the sweetest, kindest, funniest, smartest, most honest and true man I have ever met. Oh, and did I mention that his cute tush makes me swoon? Because seriously....
I'm loving the wifely life. |
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